California Cannabis Research Briefing, Meeting Summary
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
Kulik, M.C., Lee, Y.O., Butsic, V., Cermak, T.L., Cooper, Z.D., Corva, D., Marcotte, T.D., Uskup, D.K., McKnight, T.R., Balla, A.

In 2023 cannabis researchers from across the University of California system presented their work to state agencies and policymakers.
On April 28, 2023, the University of California Office of the President (UCOP), in partnership with the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC), hosted the California Cannabis Research Briefing bringing together researchers and state agencies/policymakers to discuss pertinent policy issues on cannabis within the state.
Researchers across six different topic areas (environment, cannabis markets, social equity matters, public health, medicinal cannabis use, and public safety) provided brief explanations of their research and its policy implications.
The goals of this event were to highlight research that can inform policy issues relevant to the state, and to discuss how research can be incorporated into the cannabis policy landscape.